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Bennett Institute
Coverage, effectiveness and safety of neutralising monoclonal antibodies or antivirals for non-hospitalised patients with COVID-19
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Workspace information

Created by
Qing Wen

This is an OpenSAFELY workspace. It represents a working directory for the 91 - Coverage, effectiveness and safety of neutralising monoclonal antibodies or antivirals for non-hospitalised patients with COVID-19 project on all of the secure environments supported by OpenSAFELY.

On each secure environment, the directory includes code from the repository, and the results of running it against real data ("jobs"). Researchers can request jobs are run from this page.

Workspace purpose

Research on the long-term effects of Paxlovid, Sotrovimab, and Molnupiravir focuses on people treated with these medications as non-hospitalised patients during their first recorded COVID-19 infection. It aims to evaluate and compare the risk of hospitalisation or death due to COVID-19 among high-risk individuals 60 days onwards after receiving treatments.



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