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The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine logo Status: Ongoing Project number: #106

Effectiveness safety sotrovimab molnupiravir

Effectiveness safety sotrovimab molnupiravir is an OpenSAFELY project from The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Every time a researcher runs their analytic code against patient data, it is audited in public here.


Project timeline

  • Project created:

  • Code first run:

Why is the code first run date before the project created date?

In OpenSAFELY Jobs, code is run within a workspace. The workspaces feature was introduced before the projects feature, meaning that in some cases, workspaces were created before projects.


Recently published reports

  • No reports

    This project does not currently have any published reports


  • Bang Zheng
  • Katie Bechman
  • Millie Green
  • Ruth Costello