Archived Workspace
This Workspace has been archived. Logs are still available but new Jobs can no longer be requested.
If you think this has been done in error, contact an admin.
- Organisation:
- Bennett Institute
- Project:
- Impact and inequalities of winter pressures in primary care: providing the evidence base for mitigation strategies
Workspace information
- Repo
This repo is not publicly viewable.
Why is this repo private?
In accordance with the Principles of OpenSAFELY we expect all code from all users to be made public.
However, some GitHub repositories may be private during the development stage of a project, which means any links to them from this site will return a '404 Not Found' error unless you are logged in and have the relevant permissions.
- Branch
- atamborska/agg_patient_df
- Created
- Created by
- Arina Tamborska
This is an OpenSAFELY workspace. It represents a working directory for the 172 - Impact and inequalities of winter pressures in primary care: providing the evidence base for mitigation strategies project on all of the secure environments supported by OpenSAFELY.
On each secure environment, the directory includes code from the repository, and the results of running it against real data ("jobs"). Researchers can request jobs are run from this page.
Workspace purpose
Archived as unable to run from a branch with '/' in name
- Released Outputs
- Published Outputs
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