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The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Vaccine Neurological Safety
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Workspace information

Created by
Anna Schultze

This is an OpenSAFELY workspace. It represents a working directory for the 63 - Vaccine Neurological Safety project on all of the secure environments supported by OpenSAFELY.

On each secure environment, the directory includes code from the repository, and the results of running it against real data ("jobs"). Researchers can request jobs are run from this page.

Workspace purpose

The aim of this work was methodological: specifically to evaluate the impact of study design choice in analyses of the short-term neurological safety of COVID-19 vaccines in England. This work was paused due to the lead authors moving institutions.

The contents of this repository MUST NOT be considered an accurate or valid representation of the study or its purpose. This repository may reflect an incomplete or incorrect analysis with no further ongoing work. The content has ONLY been made public to support the OpenSAFELY open science and transparency principles and to support the sharing of re-usable code for other subsequent users. No clinical, policy or safety conclusions must be drawn from the contents of this repository.



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